A new year, a great new look

It was time to dust off the previous Liv Design brand and give it a smarter new look for 2019. In comes a new palette of fresh, modern colours and a simple font for an uncluttered feel.

The logo uses a palette of three colours to bring a touch of variety and diversity. Fonts are Avenir for print and Helvetica for online.

A new Liv Design website has also been designed with a more visual look. This is very much a 'work in progress' website! Very often I find things like this naturally evolve and change with use. There's also a portfolio page to finalise (I'm still not happy with how it interfaced) but if you'd like to see some examples of work I can email you a pdf.

The main website focuses on the work of Liv Design and news about the core fields of graphic design, branding and packaging designer, whereas this blog is more of a look at the great (and not so great) examples of design from all areas of design from around the globe. It's mainly a blog about great looking stuff and things I like.

You can still find the older posts and hopefully there will be more additions this year. I hope you like it.

If you're thinking of rebranding, creating a new logo, or creating a fresh new look and feel, then get in touch.


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