
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Silent Winters novel – Available now

I'm over the moon to announce that my third novel, 'The Silent Winters' , is now available. The final book in 'The Wolf Hound and the Raven' trilogy is available in print and digital formats. The story picks up four years after the events in the second book, 'Return to Havenmill' . Daniel, Mary and Alexander are once again thrown into a grim and violent world filled with political treachery, greed and dark secrets. Destiny forces them towards a Europe that stands upon the precipice of war and chaos. Friends are scattered. Families are taking sides. The story arc is a Victorian-based fantasy adventure about a master race struggling to live alongside mortals and live with their secret in an ever changing world. Ultimately the themes of isolation, belonging, fear and greed are as relevant now as they have ever been. The trilogy is available for download from Kindle , Smashwords , iTunes and all major ebook stores. Paperback copies can be purchased...

A new year, a great new look

It was time to dust off the previous Liv Design brand and give it a smarter new look for 2019. In comes a new palette of fresh, modern colours and a simple font for an uncluttered feel. The logo uses a palette of three colours to bring a touch of variety and diversity. Fonts are Avenir for print and Helvetica for online. A new Liv Design website has also been designed with a more visual look. This is very much a 'work in progress' website! Very often I find things like this naturally evolve and change with use. There's also a portfolio page to finalise (I'm still not happy with how it interfaced) but if you'd like to see some examples of work I can email you a pdf. The main website focuses on the work of Liv Design and news about the core fields of graphic design, branding and packaging designer, whereas this blog is more of a look at the great (and not so great) examples of design from all areas of design from around the globe. It's mainly a blog abo...