What makes good advertising?

As we are bombarded more and more each day by visual images it's increasingly difficult to grab people's attention, or grab it for long enough to get a message across. Years ago it used to be much simpler – a poster, press ad or bill board was all that was needed. But now we're told that press ads are dead, TV ads are skipped through, and everything is now viewed on the internet.

So what do we need to do now to advertise effectively? Well, the mediums may have changed a little but the basics are still the same whether advertising is done online or offline:

Keep to the point. However, or wherever, you place an ad you are competing for attention, and as human beings we naturally have a short attention span and are easily distracted. Be brief, be direct, be obvious what you're promoting or selling.

Be memorable
That doesn't mean you have to be funny or zany. Anything that's unique, clever, quirky, or different from what is currently out there will help to achieve standout. Don't just copy your competitors or stick to a current theme.

Running an ad in isolation, or in one medium or format, will get fewer viewers than a multi-platform ad. Think about a suite of advertising material both online and offline (using the internet in conjunction with traditional printed formats) to appeal to a wider audience. This will increase the chance of being viewed by more people more often and increase the profile by repetition.

Your company, product or service is a brand. Remember to stick to the values and character of the brand. If you promote your offering differently each time you will create confusion, reduce impact, and dilute your message. Consistency is important to create brand loyalty and association.


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