Liv Design are now part of Mansfield 2020

Liv Design are now members of Mansfield 2020. Liv Design share a similar outlook and attitude as the partnership and are strong believers in working with and supporting both local businesses and the region as a whole.

Mansfield 2020 is a partnership between the public and private sectors, and inlcudes organisations such as Mansfield District Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Business Link, EMDA, Mansfield Area Strategic Partnership, Mansfield Town Centre Partnership, West Notts College and businesses of all sectors and sizes. They have a vested interest in seeing the North Nottinghamshire region thrive and grow, as does Liv Design.

Mansfield 2020 promote innovation, support and nurture investment and create a platform for dialogue between all agencies in the private and public sectors. They drive forward regeneration in our local communities and help guide initiatives for everyone to benefit from.


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