The 'Windows' brand

Following in the footsteps of nearly every other company these days, Microsoft is to make 'Windows' into more of a 'brand' rather than just a manufacturer of the Vista operating system. Microsoft have not been doing too well recently especially when compared to Apple. Sales of Vista were poor and it was heavily criticised, and Apple's 'Mac vs PC' TV ad campaign didn't help at all.

Brad Brooks, vice president for Windows consumer product marketing, said "The Windows brand identity has gotten a little invisible. We want to make sure Windows goes from being invisible to something that becomes indispensable."

Strange that they have taken so long to promote themselves. Apple has been successfully advertising and diversifying for years with their memorable campaigns for branded products such as iMac, iTunes, iPod and now iPhone.

Is there such bad feeling for Microsoft and the Windows platform? To relauch their image and hopefully start afresh is a new ad campaign (on UK TV). The new offbeat ad 'Shoe Circus' by Crispin Porter+Bogusky features Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld having a humourous conversation about shoes, part of a new campaign reputedly costing $300 million dollars. Judge for yourself at

Maybe they'll create a chain of Microsoft stores next too...


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