Mobile phone designs

It wasn't long ago that all the mobile phone manufacturers seemed to be showcasing and releasing a whole host of highly desirable, über-chic phones to tempt us into their lengthy contracts. With the likes of the stlyish LG Chocolate (which had nothing to do with chocolate), the Motorola Pebl (which looked like a rock) and Nokia's range of gold and leatherette range with printed flowery swirls, things were looking good. But what's happened? Motorola have been slowly updating the (frankly quite abysmal) RAZR model. The Pebl has disappeared (probably due to the fact that many display models in phone shops had split on the opening fold) and Nokia have gone back to their more conventional brick shapes (or 'classics' as they call them). What's happening? Has the revolution ended? Are consumers not ready for radical? Has our taste for cool been dampened? Or is it that we all just want a phone that works properly, and one you can actually use to call people rather than just wave around at the pub?


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