White is the new Black

I've heard many arguments about colour. What they mean, what they represent, how they make you feel, how they make you act. All very scientific. All very emotional too. And mostly all very correct. People have a reaction to a colour for many reasons: an emotional connection, a connection to a memory, a connection to something they've seen.

And what is the 'colour of the moment'? White. "White!" I hear you cry. Is white not the absence of colour? True, but I would still argue that it is a colour in it's own right. It's popularity could be down to it's cleanliness, it's portrayal of freshness, it's neutral qualities, it's unbiased ability to fit in.

'White-van-men' (and women) have been terrorising roads all over Britain for years. We've had fridges and washing machines in the obligatory white for decades. Apple have now moved on from the hugely successful white ranges of iMacs and iPods. Crown and Dulux paints have whole spreads dedicated to variations of white for the past year or two. And now, the car and motorbike industry have just caught up. Not since the 80s have we seen so much. Out comes a new Ducati 848 (in white), a sportier new Audi TT (the TTS, in white...), the new Fiat 500 is promoted in white, and the concept Freelander (see previous blog) also displayed unusually in white.

I like white. Good for vests. Makes nice paper too...


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