What is a brand?

So what is a 'Brand'? Name a brand... There are millions worldwide. Many we've never heard of. Some are local. Some are national, some international, like Nike or Coca-Cola. Take BMW for instance. Everyone's heard of them. Everyone knows they make cars. Well-made cars. But do you know what BMW stand for? Bavarian Motor Works. And what about the famous blue and white logo. Do you know what that is? It's actually a propeller blade. BMW actually started out manufacturing aeroplanes before making cars and motorbikes. The thing is, you don't need to know. Sometimes it's an acronym, sometimes an abbreviation, sometimes a name. Sometimes nothing. Completely random. As the phrase goes 'What's in a name?'. And a logo? A logo is a representation. It's a symbol. It is a means of association and recognition, just like a road sign for example. It's only by repeated association, interaction or subjection to this do we actually learn it's meaning. It's about education. Without education a symbol still remains a symbol. It's the ability of additional resources that point towards, or relate back to, a logo that creates a brand. With BMW it's the portrayal of the cars in photos, in TV ads, that creates the brand. Steel blues and grey colours, modern buildings and hi-tech architecture. Technical excellence, build quality, engineering craftsmanship, timeless designs... all things forming part of, and building, the brand

A brand is the soul, a personality. A logo is a face. We recognise a face if we see it again and again. After we know a person we know their character, we 'associate' feelings, characteristics and memories. We can relate and form a bond.

As humans we tend to fall into classes. We're competitive, we strive for order and structure, money and power. Perhaps it's a core tribal urge. Things like cars and clothes advertise our class and social standing to our peers. Association with a brand often adds to our standing.

It's the ability to tap into the human mind and create a sense of belonging that makes a brand a powerful tool for a company. Association with a 'green' company for example projects to others that that person is also 'green'. Association with a powerful, expensive and well-built car perhaps says the same about the driver (or at least that's the message the driver may want to say).

It's about belonging too. Being part of something. Some people want to fit in, be part of the crowd. Others want to stand out and be individual. For every person there is a brand to match, a company to relate too. Just look for the logo...


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